The Replacement Part 1

25 January 2024

Views: 1,600

Then just as casual reached over and slowly slipped her fingers of her left hand into my moist pussy

. I felt disgusted with myself for just closing my eyes and taking a deep breath and not slapping her hand away.

My legs involuntarily parted allowing her deeper access,

I moaned.. Not pretended. Actually started to rock against her soft fingers and really moan.. the whisper in my ear soft and serene...

Sara... Relax. .Sara.. enjoy. .Sara. go with it. .Sara, feel it.. let yourself be hers,,

Almost musical, the words so relaxing..

No longer worried i was being watched by guys and possibly recorded for future torment, completely relaxed as Kate's voice seduced me slowly, hypnotic like,

I really was becoming so aroused, my mind drifted , wondering what Kate would be like as a lover. .would her fingers feel as good as Em's just now..

Is she actually watching me being finger fucked as we are speeding down the highway to god now's where. .Aware of my nakedness and aware my nipple camera would be recording everything as well as the camera in my clit ring, i slowly tilted my nipple downwards , the strange feeling of having Kate see me being fucked didn't seem odd at the time.. totally aroused i started to feel myself building to a climax.

The whisper in my ear from Kate, Oh.. Sara we are going to do so much with that sexy body of yours.. What a delicious replacement you make. so lucky to have found you.. .

The words just bounced around in my head then disappeared as i started to erupt in the biggest orgasm i had ever experienced, my whole body shook , then i felt the rush of liquid gush out from between my legs. the burst of laughter as Em swerved across the road , swearing about her car seats being ruined but giggling like a school girl.

Me panting uncontrollably. then breaking into a silly nervous giggle.

Driving up a long drive way the sudden dread hit me yet again.

Once we are alone and inside, I knew what she was going to expect.

could i actually go along with going down on her , could i make myself tongue fuck another woman, Omg i gag taking a guy in my mouth, I shudder and start to shiver. Then that soft husky voice in my ear again.. whispering encouragement.

Sara relax your self.. you can do this .. My first time i was so nervous i wet myself.. followed by a giggle.. I started giggling myself out loud ..then glanced at Emily who was looking at me strangely her eye brows raised with that school teacher look of whats so funny..

This is it gorgeous.. Em announced this is my domain, now what I say goes , be obedient and you will be rewarded be disobedient and you will be punished. Are we clear..

Still shivering I glanced around then back to her , I think so, ummmm I don't know what to call you ..

.my arms wrapping around my breasts and trying hard to maintain a little modesty while standing naked in this massive house.

my legs still damp from my recent climax.. the irony hit me as i felt the moisture creep down my thigh, i let a strange woman finger fuck me to orgasm in her car, naked with my legs spread open on a highway, yet here i stand shivering and trying to salvage a lost dignity.

The sudden urge to kiss her hit me, i glanced down towards the floor, then back to her face,

it was time to see if I could do was now or never, i dropped my arms and stepped towards her, then lowered myself to my knees at her feet....

looking up I managed to utter the words .

I want to taste you on my lips , holding back the shiver that was trying to run through me.. trembling i reached up and slid my hands nervously up her thighs.

Kate's words once again magically whispered in my ears..

Sara get down on all fours, and seductively crawl towards her.

She likes that, she may put something around your neck ...Don't resist honey just go with her.. be her pet that's her favourite thing. .let her call the shots.. just think how you like to be pleasured and go with the flow honey... it's really not that bad ..

A soft sharp intake of Kates breath in my ear, sent a funny sensation through me, i felt my own arousal and heart beat speed up ..Is she flirting with me as well !! flashed through my mind..

I felt the pressure around my neck as Emily fastened something cool and wide on me, i snapped out of my trance, there was a gentle tug on my neck , the pressure increased and i slid forward looking between her open thighs,

I looked up into her eyes, a twisted smile and a long tongue flashing over her lips, i tried to hide the building tremor in my body, I inched forward on all fours , the intoxicating but sweet smell of her womanhood building as i inched closer. I closed my eyes and inhaled her fragrance..

Musky, Sweet and delicate with a hint of vanilla scented perfume .the lingering taste i had experienced of my fingers still on my lips,

The first tentative kiss i placed on her bare thigh sent a small shiver of disgust through me, but that voice in my ear calmed me..

Sara.. slowly.. small licks then gentle fluttery kisses .. a pause then a sharp breath,.. then in a huskier voice.. work your way up one side don't touch her lips just tease .... another sharp breath...down the other side ... use your fingers softly fluttery up and down the oout ssside ... a pause a deep breath and a small soft but audible moan...

I knew Kate was masturbating..

Omg that turned me on even more, I started using my mouth gently .. eyes closed .. images of what a boyfriend long ago used to do to me.. I lost myself in the memory of what he did with his mouth and fingers between my legs ..

I imagined all the romantic novels i had read, I started exploring with my tongue my lips my teeth, soft gentle nips how i remember i liked the soft tease and quick nip then I found my tongue had slipped between her sweet wet lips my fingers dancing in all the places i enjoyed.

My tongue delving into her crevice as i liked to have done to me, then the unexpected.. the one thing i loved but never admitted i slowly drifted my tongue downwards lapping at the sticky secretion trickling towards her anal hole, a flick a lick an up and down motion on that tender place between her two holes, that exploratory touch. that tingle on the tip of my tongue as i probe that most intimate place the shiver in response. that loud intake of breath, the wet sensation as i feel her wetness collect on my tongue. the added lubrication the relax and tense again as i probe the tip tingling with that acidic taste..

That whisper in my ear.. push deeper Sara.. fuck that's so good I want you too..

.Fuck her arse with that sexy tongue..

I pause... then flick my tongue in and out gaining more and more moisture, she yields. I enter my tongue, no thought of why or what I'm doing, lost in the past of what i enjoyed being done to me, one hand drifting up her thighs the other slowly flicking in and out of myself.

I return my wet fingers to replace my tongue, so easily slipping one finger into her taboo hole...

my mouth returning to enjoy the delicious wet pussy now dripping with syrupy sex juice.. lapping and tongue fucking her to climax,

I felt her shudder then cry out as i engulfed her wholly with my mouth i want all of her..

Emily erupted ,

Taken by surprise as her violent shudder and release filled my mouth with her womanly fluid, sweet acidic but so deliciously satisfying to have achieved on her what i have craved for so long,... shivering and trembling I sat back .. stunned by what i had just done, staring at this wide open female genitalia that seconds ago i was lost in... my own thighs sticky and wet..

The husky voice returned to my ears, but differently... closer so close.. I could be forgiven for thinking she was behind me.. But wait .. did you ddid you say Em... Kate.. I whisper almost to myself. I stiffen in fear then slowly turn my head.. Sitting quietly with a huge smile is a woman... dressed in uniform.. holding a small transmitter... Her face so familiar,, I 'm sure I've seen her at the office..

We got a good one Em.. You have had your fun now we need to get her ready..

The plane leaves early in the morning.. Don't let this one get away.. just lucky to have found a replacement so quick...

Haven't got another one like her.. If we lose her we are in big trouble..

The buyers are pissed about the other one.. she looked good on film. we wont have a lot of time to prep this one for those video's we promised to supply,

if we don't fill that order we lose a lot of money as well as customers

I just stared.. shocked.. I didn't .see Emily moving towards me. i didn't feel the needle she pressed into my arm, all i felt was a cold fear creeping through me as whatever had been injected into me started to relax every muscle in my body,

I lost the ability to move arms first , then slowly sank to the floor, No control of any part of my body, I could see and hear but couldn't move a muscle . I tried to scream ..nothing. .not a sound came out, the only thing I could control was my eyes


I felt Emily kiss my cheek. .then heard Kate.. my eyes darted in the direction of her husky voice..

Sara honey this is only temporary, it's just to get you adjusted hun..ohh and to introduce you to your co-star.

I felt myself being moved , the soft pillows tucked under my back, positioned in a sitting position, my legs being positioned. .knees drawn up wards then gently pushed apart, the hand caressing my wet tingling pussy, my arms were positioned slightly back and in a way to hold myself upright. .

All the time just darting my eyes from one woman to the other. Both just talking and giggling as they set me in the desired position, my mind screaming , but no words..

She's a natural... takes to pussy well considering... mmmm shame we can't keep her... but we need a new dog slut..

What about the cameras and microphones, Emily queried, how bout we leave the one in her pussy for Now, and we set the other to catch the action... giggles and laughs....

I felt fingers on my nipples the tug and little pull as the Mic and camera came out of my tingling nipples.. my eyes darting around , I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. .and drip off my chin.

The sound of something different, a panting noise, the clicking on the floor a ruffling noise.. a new smell drifted towards me..

my eyes wildly darting around , a glimpse of a large shape, then a wet sensation on the side of my face..

Sara hun meet Zeus..

Kate's voice bounced in my head, then her next words sent a cold fear deep through me.


If you thought Ems tongue was long.... giggles.. Your going to love his.. more giggles..

Emilys voice muttered something about thats not the only surprise your going to get sweetie ohhh No!!!... Knott at all..


Both Kate and Emily burst out laughing.. My eyes darting from one to the other trying to move , hopelessly parallelized, my voice echoing in my mind but nothing coming from my mouth... I focused on the massive screen on the wall as it burst into life.. a girl appeared....

At first i thought was me... She was on her hands and knees.. scratches down her sides and on the backs of her legs, her face filled with horror,

I watched a massive dog approach her then start licking her behind.. Suddenly he was on her back and started humping her, the flashes of different angles showed him actually fucking her..

I tried to look away. but my eyes were glued to her. picture after picture of this poor girl. her eyes filled with tears as this huge animal defiled her,

The slow motion of him gripping her tightly, His tail raised the pulses and dripping semen zoomed in on the screen..

her anguish evident on her face... the slow motion as he turned, tied to her back to back , The humiliation on her face as she was dragged behind this huge dog... the rounds of applause from the audience surrounding her, then the view of her in this horrible act from afar showing her on centre stage, surrounded by people watching her performance,

women and men with cameras , glasses of wine in hand smiles and then a loud cheer as this animal pulled free from her... silent screams on her face the painful look as this massive ball emerged from her swollen cunt, followed by a gush of liquid..

I stared at the size of the dog cock.. the swollen knot the size of a tennis ball.. my heart started to race my mind spun out of control... I knew this was the girl that I was about to replace... the one that had been found...

The touch of something wet and warm between my legs.. my eyes dropped down...In absolute horror.. I watched this massive head dip down.. the sensations as his tongue lapped up and down between my labia the shock as i felt it delve deep inside me..

. i felt my self starting to urinate in sheer fear... no amount of will power could tighten my pelvic muscles .. the warm wet sensation as i wet myself, my silent screams and the tears rolling down into the corners of my mouth were all to much to bear...

eyes darting around rolling inwards the only control i could manage.. my body reacting to this horrible experience, a quivering between my legs.. looking at the screen I was the one now on display...

The recording indicator flashing...

Enough Zeus... Kate yelled.. Stand down... the licking stopped .. he rose looked me in the eyes and appeared to smile... growled at me then walked out of my vision..

He was enormous and intimidating... i once again lost control of my bladder,

The vision of me leaning back against the pillows, a serene look on my face, legs spread, knees up casually looking at the camera as if i was in full control.. my open gaping sex staring back at me.. a puddle beneath my buttocks.. then the image from the camera still attached to my clit,,

A massive head approaching, a wet long tongue swiping up and down my thighs, then swiping up and down my wet cunt, the dancing of the camera each time the tongue emerged.. the stream of urine spraying outwards droplets caught on camera as they splattered on the tiny lens then a tongue and teeth as it wiped away the moisture.. evidence that i had just been tongue fucked by a dog...

Sara honey this is still being recorded at the station... enough for those clowns that were put in charge of monitoring you to be severely reprimanded for compromising your safety.. giggle..

They are so in trouble for losing you, and to have this pop up on their computers ...well they will have some serious explaining to do..

Apparently the last signal from your tracking chip, was recorded in Dubai.

We have alerted their airports and train stations to be on the look out for you... I think your next signal is to be from the middle east somewhere giggle giggle..

You are quite the traveller at the moment.. I did mention your every move was being monitored didn't I..

Now this is going to sting a little hun it's your new chip.. giggle.. don't want to lose you now do we Em.. way to valuable...

My heart sank, The words stung more than the needle injecting the tracking device into my shoulder..

my hopes that i was being tracked lost..

My eyes tracked Kate as she approached .. she was wheeling a strange looking frame towards me.. as it got closer i saw straps and a padded cushion in the middle, a tee configuration at one end and a weird looking extension with a small pad at the other.

Straps dangled from all over it..

I was lifted effortlessly and manhandled face down over it ,

I could feel my legs being bent this way and that, my arms pulled forward and bent at the elbows in a kneeling position with the cussion as a support under my belly,

My forehead resting on the small pad at the front, knees wide apart , the straps tight over my midriff,

My hardening nipples just touching the rug underneath me stimulating them each time i was pulled and pushed into this strange position,

I felt the cool air feathering around my exposed anus and vagina, occasionally one or the other would run their finger between my butt cheeks dragging my wetness up to my sensitive anal hole

i was quivering it felt so open no muscle control, entry into my rectum so easy for the probing fingers. the not knowing what was about to happen..

not that i expected it to be good, combined with the fear and adrenaline starting to rush through me was starting to arouse me sexually'

i felt the moisture trickling down my thighs, then a gentle set of fingers wiping upwards and probing my anal cavity i felt my level of arousal building, the sensation i was about to cum, then something large pushing into my anal cavity it stretched me wide, far wider than i could imagine possible then as it settled inside me i felt myself close around it, heightening my arousal further , a feathery feeling on my inner thighs, and a whisper that her tail looks so sexy..

As soon as i heard the panting and the scraping on the floor i knew what was about to happen a terror gripped me . the frame. the straps to hold me from falling, the tail plug .

Please NOOOO I screamed wordlessly..

I felt the tongue, the wet sensation of him licking and tasting me internally i felt the unbelievable rush as i started to cum.. then the soft hair on my back his front legs gripping me tightly pulled me backwards, the stabbing of his dripping cock as it searched for my entrance, the shock as he entered me..

That explosive sensation as he slammed hard into me easily sliding in and out my now dripping wet cunt..

mentally i was screaming.. physically i was reacting with a sudden urge to push back as he humped, me that feeling as he swelled and lengthened. i felt him hitting my cervix. i felt the continuous pulse of his semen being injected into me.. the warm glow that started to radiate around every nerve in my body, the husky voice in my ears telling me to go with it Sara, give yourself to him, feel the heat honey, such a beautiful bitch. you can take his cock deeper Sara..

My body let me down ...with tears of humiliation and disgust at what was happening.

my body had made up its own mind, the rush overwhelmed me, i felt it growing.. i so wanted to push back on the now still dog, his panting and pulses of cum being constantly injected into my cervix was unbelievable,

never had my body felt so sensual. the sensations running through my immobile body felt so wonderful but so horrible at the same time.

He stepped over me,, I felt him twist and tug,

The pain in my swollen cunt almost unbearable, tears pouring from my eyes as he settled with his back to me..

i felt his tail flicking on my bare buttocks, I felt movement only slight but a little in my fingers I blinked , I wriggled my toes they actually moved, then the sudden sharp pain and popping noise as he pulled what felt like a tennis ball out of my cunt the gush of liquid,, i jumped forward the flood gushing out of me.

My voice slowly returned , my movement becoming controllable again, the mixture of humiliation and disgust at how this disgusting act had made me explode with such a powerful orgasam, that rush of pleasure i had never experienced before still lingering, my body started trembling with the aftermath of pleasure the sharp spasms causing gushes of dog semen to spurt out between my wide spread thighs the tingling sensation radiating from my hard nipples my restrained hands stopping me from continuing this magical sensation rushing through me .crying from fear or pleasure so confused.

Lifting my head my eyes drawn to the screen, the replay of me and my dog lover,

The horrifying reality of what i had just experienced, that look of ecstasy on my face the horrible feeling that I looked so calm and presented to be enjoying being fucked by a dog..

I sunk my forehead back down , and let the tears flow unsure if they were tears of pleasure or tears of shame.

Will Sara be rescued, or is she destined to become The Replacement..

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